Monday, August 27, 2012

Party Full Of Cupcakes

Haven't posted for 2 days now sorry but any way i'm posting now.It's my cousins sweet 16 so here's her party

Her yummy cupcakes there's like 100 cupcakes in the party.And they gave us so many like 20 of the cupcakes

Blue  Icing With Chocolate Sprinkle Cupcake with chocolate batter

At The Back We Have 
Purple Icing With Steamed  Pearl Cupcake with chocolate batter

Green Icing With Chocolate sprinkle cupcake with cheese batter

 The 2nd And the 3rd Are 
Pink Icing With Chocolate And Pear Cupcake With Chocolate Batter

 I'm playing with my Cousin's toy gun hehe.It lights up

 My Other baby cousin who was wearing checkered long sleeves and blue shorts

 Fashionable Baby

 My cousin's cake she's 16 

 The rest is us playing with cousins toy last 6th post

 I have no  idea What This is

It looks like a bird flapping it's wings

 It looks lke a butterfly





No Idea

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