Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Grocery Full Of Sugar

Today we went to grocery,With A Special Guest Remember Fashionable Baby.

Before Grocery

Lite's still sleepy (fashionable baby) 

 Look What I mean about fashionable baby.Hat and sunglasses 
Sorry lite were not going to the beach

You Should make your own blog lite

I'm looking at a mirror wait i am the mirror

Me I'm Still 11 by the way

Photshoots with my sister here's her blog rienbautista.blogspot.com

She pared polka dot and pink or she pared blue and pink

So hard to take pictures of Lite.He keeps on moving took 9 photos only chose one

In Grocery

Haha The fun starts in junk food spree.Lite gets what he wants 

His searching for his favorite food

He found it!

My Sister

Wish I could Buy Millions of this

All our food (that's not even half of it)


Everything is settled

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