Friday, August 31, 2012

Incredible Sun

Today's post but first gonna tell you something my mom came home :)OK back to topic I was in a car then suddenly I saw it was almost sunset took a picture of i between trees I was surprised on how awesome it was. I took more pictures and a truck ruined it that's why I only have 4 photos

Cool :))

Today's photo shoot

My mum and my sister

That's it have a nice vacation

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Nature And Stuff

O'k today's photo shoot went well we were suppose to do it on sunset but we had swimming.

I love sky's especially when I take pictures of them,look at this round light shape cool

 Here's a photo that I really love it's a flower 

 This is a combination on sky and flower oohhhh!!!

Purple flower  nice shot sister!

And last but not least our photo shoot 
Thank you

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Edit Post

You probably don't know what edit post is.It's a every Wednesday post which I show My edits'so here it goes


So that's it 

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Grocery Full Of Sugar

Today we went to grocery,With A Special Guest Remember Fashionable Baby.

Before Grocery

Lite's still sleepy (fashionable baby) 

 Look What I mean about fashionable baby.Hat and sunglasses 
Sorry lite were not going to the beach

You Should make your own blog lite

I'm looking at a mirror wait i am the mirror

Me I'm Still 11 by the way

Photshoots with my sister here's her blog

She pared polka dot and pink or she pared blue and pink

So hard to take pictures of Lite.He keeps on moving took 9 photos only chose one

In Grocery

Haha The fun starts in junk food spree.Lite gets what he wants 

His searching for his favorite food

He found it!

My Sister

Wish I could Buy Millions of this

All our food (that's not even half of it)


Everything is settled

Monday, August 27, 2012

Party Full Of Cupcakes

Haven't posted for 2 days now sorry but any way i'm posting now.It's my cousins sweet 16 so here's her party

Her yummy cupcakes there's like 100 cupcakes in the party.And they gave us so many like 20 of the cupcakes

Blue  Icing With Chocolate Sprinkle Cupcake with chocolate batter

At The Back We Have 
Purple Icing With Steamed  Pearl Cupcake with chocolate batter

Green Icing With Chocolate sprinkle cupcake with cheese batter

 The 2nd And the 3rd Are 
Pink Icing With Chocolate And Pear Cupcake With Chocolate Batter

 I'm playing with my Cousin's toy gun hehe.It lights up

 My Other baby cousin who was wearing checkered long sleeves and blue shorts

 Fashionable Baby

 My cousin's cake she's 16 

 The rest is us playing with cousins toy last 6th post

 I have no  idea What This is

It looks like a bird flapping it's wings

 It looks lke a butterfly





No Idea

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Grocery Time

Who says its boring in the grocery store? Well not for us, in the grocery store, we experience adventure!

 First I have to tell you my favorite thing in the world, Trolli. Very yummy gummy candy!

 Here's  My sister Rien Bautista. She has a blog and I take her photos (well most of them). Check out her blog here.

It's my sister again but this time I'm goofing around and playing with her shots .
                                                                       AAAAHHH! he's cutting my head

 Trolli again! I love Trolli very much. Hehe soo yummy; Try It!

 Here's the first thing that I saw in the grocery,when i walked by to find some milk when i saw it the first thing i thought about is Trolli.

 Yummmmm Swiss Miss with colorful marsmallows with warm milk.Worth it.:p

I love cereals they make my morning 
Soo That's it