Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Happy Halloween

Happy Halloween Today is Halloween and my baby cousin has a lot of candy we ate and watched TV so that's all i just wanted to greet you all

Happy Halloween I hope you all got plenty of candy

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Edit Post 4

Since I haven't been posting edit posts i'm gonna post one right now I think this one will be the top of em all so here is the post

OK maybe it's not the best but at least i tried 0-0 


Friday, October 19, 2012

Babysitting With Chubby

So today we baby sited our baby cousin Ghian(chubby) We weren't planning it to be a babysit
we just wanted to play bey blade with him  but his parents were at work. At first it was fun but as the day turned older  and it was night.So we tried to teach him the proper launching and he cried and he went to the closet  and locked himself he was giving the i want to play already face so here is  the post but he was kinda cute.

Him hiding in the closet

Actually in the end the day turned out pretty great he smiled and had fun

Have a nice weekend

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Mall With 3 Bloggers

Hello people so remember what I said about 2 day post it was a lie or i was just two sleepy at night.So any way I went to the mall with three bloggers 1 you know it My sister her blog is Rienberry.So the second one is what i told you about in my first day post of my only day post My cousin her blog is Livingthealife.And the last one is he just started blogging it's My brother and his blog is Pokemonsexalted.So i went to the mall with these three bloggers and we still had a hard time looking for where we do our photo shoot  but we found it.

Going in the mall

My Brother going up the escalator

I don't know why I took a picture of people are people but there sign looks like it's glowing

Keep it fresh
Keep it clean 
Keep it simple

Don't Stop

Our first Idea of a photo shoot is in a cart then the guard saw us and we had to go out

My sister embarrassed

We found the perfect spot

My Cousin and my sister

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Morning Post

When i woke up the first thing i thought about was making a collage about My Sister.It is easy to make and fun to do.but it isn't actually morning we slept at 2:00 and we woke up 11:00 i'm so sleepy and that's why I wanted to make a collage.It's easy so it will not bother my sleepiness  and fun so it will wake me up.By the way there's something coming later i'm gonna do 2 posts in one day and this is the first the other one is a secret.So my cousin is here and she is gonna be in the second post were gonna go out with her with my brother my sister and my cousin.And also my cousin has a blog hope you check it out so i'm excited but I just can't tell you so here is the post.

And as I told you it's very easy to make the best time to do it is anytime please follow
                                                                so that's all

Playing With Lights

I'm trying to try to make my paragraphs longer so i'll just try.So Today's post i'm gonna show you artistic photos about car lights I couldn't understand the photos but it was nice and colorful a bit flashy and artistic.But before I show you the post we went out to get some ingredients for something guess what it is,we went to a bakery shop and bought some flour,food coloring,and vanilla extract.Guessed it yet? hmm i'll show you a bit more clues.We went to the grocery store and bought some blueberry's,corn oil,and confectioner sugar.To exciting i'm gonna say it cupcakes  but not just ordinary cupcakes red velvet cupcakes  
and blueberry cupcakes.with butter cream frosting.It was so good ! but any way here are the posts.

This one is my favorite

That's all

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Nothing To Do

Sick and tired of staying home all day.That's what I did in the past few days but today I thought  of something fun for my blog.Why not be creative with pictures.Hmm let me think about something maybe we can make a poster using Picmonkey overlay.Okay i'll try doing it
I bet this will be hard hmm.By the way I learned this from My Sister

Really it's harder than it looks.But know there's two of her

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

edit post 3

 What time is it edit post time :) 'Ive learned the best way to edit its the most amazing transformation in the world i'm gonna brighten up use burst effect and my special is................................. a secret ok so lets start Iadded the color to give it a drawing effect

