Saturday, December 29, 2012

Some Pictures That I Took

So are laptop screen is fix and i just wanted to post again so i'm gonna show you pictures that i took.So lately many things have been happening like Christmas,And its almost new year so you know almost album time but lets just get to the post.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Not Much posts

Sorry guys i won't be posting for awhile cause are laptop broke.The LED cracked but it will be fixed so sorry so much any way i might be posting so always check my blog i will sometimes post but not always im using the ipad so that's it bye.

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Crave For Pizza

So It Might be late to post cause i didn't post yesterday .So any way we ate pizza at picobello and it was a buy 1 take 1 and their pizza is super yummy one of my favorite pizza places and i took shots of some of the food anyway let us start.Oh and my other sister has a blog too she just started

That's it guys stay tuned for later post

Saturday, December 8, 2012

By The Beach

So today we woke up early to go to eat near the beach and ate a really good meal we didn't swim but i took few shots which are pretty amazing.Any way here's the post.

LITE, RAF and my sister are just playing with the iPad

We ate at this small hut which is pretty nice and the food was delicous

Friday, December 7, 2012


Sorry if i have no posts for today but i changed my background and it's very nice.We were suppose to go out and i was gonna take shots there that's it.Anyway here's the post

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Edit Post 5

Hey guys so I know its not Wednesday but  I forgot so i'll just do it now. So today's edit post picture is Frosty the snow man.So since his not in real snow i gave it a little edit to make it look like it's snowing and a cold picture.So here's the post

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Frosty And Rudolf Oh Jolly Christmas Tree

So you'r probably thinking why is the title so long it's because.........I cant' think of a title :).but anyway i took nice photos of Frosty with a hole on his hat,Rudolf with no legs and A Beutiful christmas tree with bokeh effect (bokeh its an effect that turns light  into circle when you don't focus on it.) Really like that effect especially on colorful light.Any way here is ze post.

I got this one from below the christmas tree and got glitter all over my shirt :)

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

My Lovely Bracelets

So today I'm gonna show you nice photos of my bracelets.I really love my bracelets cause there fun to wear and match with different clothes I really love bracelets but  I only have few.I'm still planning to buy more and more.Any way here's the post .

This ones my favorites

Sunday, December 2, 2012

All Things Black And White

So today I made my sister a model and made her emotions artsy so we took a picture on the piano,stairs and more.So pumped up cause I finally edited my photos and I'm gonna show you a preview of our next amazing post with RIENBERRY And we will have two themes for each of our blog so don't wanna spoil it but i'm all pumped up hoping you are pumped up to.So here's the post.

You all know this from my last post but this one I took :)

Merry Christmas


So here are some clues of the theme but there will be more

This one is obvious if your smart

That's it And With The Help Of RIENBERRY .

Missing Shots

So today i'm gonna show you the photoshoots that you missed with my sister Rien Bautista.So some I really like so not much but I will be posting the top 3.

So maybe this will go to the photo album cause its so artsy.

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Back On Buisness

Sorry for not posting for awhile now but fom now on i will post straight days any way i will start tomorrow.So anyway no pictures for today cause im using the ipad so i will make a picture album and and post it at the end of each year so i select pictures that i took and get the best ones and the title will be picture album new year and take fire works shot anyway i will post every day of my pictures.Thats it see ya tomorrow.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Sunset On Photos

Remember on my last post about the sunset thing about me liking sunset background well I'm gonna show you really nice ones.Me and my sister wanted to have a sunset photshoot but sometimes the clouds are blocking the sun.or when in sunrise we wake up late or how time flies when your planning on something extraordinary. So hard yet that's the fun part of blogging when you accomplish something hard and difficult you feel special or when you have sponsors and more followers you feel happy. yet that is where I am at the moment only having one follower still posting even if i know no one is looking but feeling special cause you have a blog that's why never give up and keep posting cause what I learned If you stay away from posting the farther away from your  here is the post.

Think we have a new background

That's It

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Artsy Pants

Sorry guys for not posting for a very very long time.But I'm here now and back on track.So today my post will be pictures that i think is nice and artsy.i love ones with light effects or sunset or anything so here's the post

I really like this one it has color and effects

This one is cool and the cat looks cute

I just like black and white and piano

I don't know why I chose this one it just looks nice