Monday, January 14, 2013

Animal Snap With Raffy

So if you don't know what animal snap is it's just like pokemon snap.You move around with a camera and take as many pictures of each kind.So we did it at a place called Lolengs it's a picnic area so i'm gonna post mine and my brothers shots .So her's the post.

So here's My shots

 And Here's My brothers shots

My shot of a ferret

My brothers shot

My shot with the ducks

My brothers shots

After all the duck shots they started chasing us because they wanted food :)

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Album 1

As I Promised I will post Album ! (*.* ) So i will tell you about all the pictures that i think are nice.So Here it is.

My Sisters B-day

So today it was my sister's  birthday and I just feel like posting so I'll post .So Lets start

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Some Pictures That I Took

So are laptop screen is fix and i just wanted to post again so i'm gonna show you pictures that i took.So lately many things have been happening like Christmas,And its almost new year so you know almost album time but lets just get to the post.